New features:

  • Dashboard performance improvements
    For customers with a large number of products, the dashboard performance has been significantly improved. Issues are now updated in batches, resulting in faster load times and enhanced overall performance.

  • API improvement: updated_after
    The getProducts API has been updated so that the updated_after parameter now functions with "greater than" (>) instead of "greater than or equal" (≥), improving the accuracy of data retrieval.

  • Controlled data import for selection profiles
    A new option has been added that allows you to specify which selection profile the data should apply to during upload. When importing a DICO/BMECAT file, you can now select the profile to be used, preventing existing data from being unintentionally overwritten.

  • Skwirrel upload: Tabular uploader
    The tabular uploader for standard Skwirrel uploads has been enhanced with new features, including the ability to toggle all columns on or off at once or to invert the selection.

  • Combined importer for product relations and groups
    New functionality now allows you to link product relations to multiple product relation groups and import data into both tables. The primary key has been expanded, enabling products to be linked to multiple groups.

  • BMECAT importer: Status adjustment based on missing items
    In BMECAT imports, products that are missing can now automatically be marked as "discontinued" or assigned another status via a dropdown menu.

For further information or clarification, feel free to contact us!

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